Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Soundtrack: Trip LIke I Do

On the iPod right now: Trip Like I Do | Crystal Method/Filter

Flashback 1997: Lower Manhattan. Little Italy & Chinatown. Walking through a street festival listening to Crystal Method/Filter's Trip Like I Do on my CD Walkman. Right now, today, I feel line every line of that song. Every line rings true. So, I went and fished the song out of my iPod and am listening to it right now.

Small detail: I also remember walking through a crowd of cops while wearing an NYPD hat. One thick accented patrolman looked over and said "nice hat" with a hint of annoyance. At that point, you couldn't buy a New York Police hat in every stall and bootleg shop on Canal Street. I got it through a convoluted set of back channels and wore it with extreme irony with a nod toward one of NWA's most famous singles.

Bulmer Photography at: www.bulmerphotography.com
Photography Portfolio: www.johnbulmerimages.com
Revolution 7 Creative: www.revolution7.com
Design Newswire: www.r7newswire.com

© 2009 John Bulmer Photography | Throwing Pixels