[Above] Elevation profile for Colvin Mountain, Essex County, Adirondack Park, New York State
[Above, from Top to Bottom]
Lower Ausable Lake from the summit of Colvin MountainSunset behind GothicsBlake Mountain from the summit of Colvin MountainLong hike yesterday, a half marathon with backpacks to be exact. A strong low passed through the Adirondacks earlier in the week dumping a substantial amount of moisture into already wet waterlogged trail systems. The trail up Colvin was wet and bordered on a running stream in places. Our original itinerary was to include Blake Mountain too, but the trail conditions and the time of day prevented it. We walked out as the sun was setting behind the peaks of the Colvin Range and Gothics. If we had stuck to our original plan, we would have done a substantial amount of hiking under headlamps down dodgy trail conditions. Sometimes it's better to retreat.
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